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Jessner peel

A Jessner peel is a combination of 14% w/v Resorcinol, Salicylic Acid, and Lactic Acid.
Salicylic acid dissolves hardened skin cells, and opens up clogged pores on the outermost layer,
lactic acid adds a dose of hydration, and resorcinol encourages healthy cell renewal with its antibacterial properties.

What is Jessner Peel?

A Jessner peel is a combination of 14% w/v Resorcinol, Salicylic Acid, and Lactic Acid. Salicylic acid dissolves hardened skin cells, and opens up clogged pores on the outermost layer, lactic acid adds a dose of hydration, and resorcinol encourages healthy cell renewal with its antibacterial properties. In a controlled manner, these ingredients reach the upper layers of the dermis, and start the cell renewal process.

What to do before a Jessner Peel Session?

To maximize the gains of a Jessner Peel procedure and minimize post-peel complications, it is vital to pay attention to how you need to prepare your skin before the procedure. But first, you will need to visit a skin clinic for a consultation with a dermatologist to determine if Jessner Peel is right for your skin goal. After the dermatologist has performed a cutaneous examination on your skin, the right skin preparation tips will be prescribed based on the results.
The skin preparation you may engage in before the procedure includes the use of topical retinoids, bleaching agents, alpha-hydroxy acids or other exfoliating agents. As the skin exfoliates, it makes the stratum corneum thin and makes for better epidermal turnover. However, the use of the aforementioned agents should be discontinued several days before the procedure. If the Jessner Peel procedure is for treating conditions of skin concerns such as acne, melasma, or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, you may remove these exfoliating agents from the prep, or stop a week or two before the procedure date, to mitigate against post-peel complications. Additionally, sunscreen (UVA and UVB) should be used daily as part of the prep regime.

How Many Jessner Peel Procedures are Needed for Optimum Results?

After the first Jessner Peel procedure, you will begin to notice the results of the procedure in a week or two as the skin heals. Two or more additional Jessner Peel sessions may be required to achieve desirable results. The outcome of a Jessner Peel procedure is not permanent due to aging and exposure to the sun. Do not set unrealistic expectations regarding the outcomes of peel sessions.

What Reasons Can Make me Ineligible for a Jessner Peel?

Some specific situations may make you ineligible for Jessner Peel as they may present adverse effects. These contraindications include pregnancy and breastfeeding, allergies to resorcinol, delayed or abnormal healing, active inflammation in the area treated, and having an isotretinoin therapy within six months of peeling.

What to Expect During a Jessner Peel Procedure?

The Jessner Peel procedure usually happens in a very short time – basically in minutes. Typically at the start of a Jessner Peel procedure, the dermatologist will clean the skin on your face (or other body parts) thoroughly, with a mild scrub and hydration following in tow. This is to control how deep, fast and the way the Jessner Peel solution penetrates the skin. On your cleansed face (or other body parts), the dermatologist will use either a sable brush, gauze sponge, or cotton-tipped applicator to apply the Jessner solution around the skin. You may feel a warm sensation during the application of the peel solution. After two minutes or so from the initial application, another layer or two of the Jessner solution will be applied to your skin depending on your skin goal. Thereafter, a correcting agent will be applied on top of the area being treated.

What are the Post-Peel Care Tips after a Jessner Peel Procedure?

It is crucial to adhere to post-peel aftercare tips so that complications resulting from the Jessner Peel procedure are minimized. It is recommended to use bland cleansers and moisturizers after the peel procedure. Two or three days following the procedure, the skin will become dry and tight and then begin to peel. Hydration-promoting products may be used during the skin-peel stage. The peeling may carry on for 2 to 7 days, but it’s normal and nothing to worry about. When the peeling stops, you can revert to a general skincare regime.
If the peeling becomes excessive or if you experience prolonged post-peel irritation, this can be corrected with low, mid or high potency steroids that could be used for 5-7 days depending on the extent of the irritation or inflammation.
Furthermore, no makeup should be applied to the face, nor should the face be picked following a Jessner Peel procedure. Also, avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight and if you must go out when the sun is out, be faithful to the use of broad-spectrum sunscreens.

What are the Potential Side Effects of Jessner Peel?

The Jessner Peel technique has an excellent safety profile including its substantial efficacy on all skin types, however, there are rare cases of salicylate toxicity. In rare cases, allergies to resorcinol may also occur. Other side effects that may result from a Jessner’s Peel procedure include mild stinging, mild swelling, redness of the affected area and pigmentation.

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