Skin Tag Removal

These small yet bothersome soft pieces of squishy skin that stick out and can get snagged on clothing or jewelry are simple to remove. Skin tags commonly grow on the eyelids, neck, armpits, and groin. Whether you simply don’t like their appearance or they cause discomfort, our advanced technicians can efficiently remove unwanted skin tags with little to no downtime.

Get The Facts

Our Skin Tag Removal treatment targets these common and harmless lesions that appear to hang off the skin. The procedure uses Electrocautery to remove the tag. The electric probe is used to cauterize the base of a skin tag in quick bursts. The tissue may fall off during the procedure, go hard and grey, and/or fall off in days to follow. There will be redness and irritation in the treated area, which will subside quickly, and it may scab as the new, healthy skin heals.

Skin Tag Removal


Before You Arrive:
+ Please ensure you have filled out your Health History/Intake form before your appointment. If you are unable to complete it, please arrive 15 minutes early
+ We recommend eating a light snack or meal 30min-1hr before your appointment
+ Ensure the treatment area is clean and free of any makeup, lotion, oils, self-tanning products, or deodorants

What to Avoid:
Please avoid the following:
+ Tanning and direct sun exposure including self-tanning products for at least 1 week prior
+ Alcohol and smoking for 24 hours prior
+ If the skin is compromised (peeling, sunburnt, warm to the touch, etc.) your appointment will be rescheduled
+ Must be off of oral isotretinoin (Accutane) for a minimum of 6 months prior
+ It is our policy not to provide treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding


+ Minor redness to the treatment area is normal
+ Skin tag will dry up and get hard and then fall off as healing progresses
+ Scab formation is normal

Post Care:
+ Wear loose clothing to avoid friction to the treatment area
+ Keep the area clean and dry

What To Avoid:
Please avoid the following:
+ Strenuous exercise for 24 hours
+ Hot tubs or baths, saunas, spas, or steam rooms for 24 hours
+ Sun exposure for 1 week
+ Scrubbing or exfoliation for 1 week

Follow Up:
+ We recommend 1-3 treatments spaced 4-8 weeks apart for optimal results
+ Maintenance treatments may be required

Treatment Info

Treatments Needed
Results In
Results Last

Benefits of Skin Tag Removal

+ Improve uneven skin tone
+ Removed unwanted imperfections

Conditions It Treats

+ Skin tags

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Do skin tags get worse with age?

Skin tags seem to increase as people age, especially in women. It’s important if they are bothersome to have them removed sooner than later.

+ Will I be numbed for Skin Tag Removal?

The majority of patients find this treatment tolerable without numbing agents. The removal is very quick and the technician moves swiftly. Numbing is available upon request for a $50 add-on fee if necessary.

+ Is it a Skin Tag, a mole, or a wart?

Skin tags can easily be mistaken for moles or warts, which are also common skin growths. However, Skin tags are easily distinguished by how they hang from the skin with only a narrow stalk keeping them in place. Aside from that, they’re smooth and flesh-colored. Skin tags are often a few millimeters across.

+ Is Skin Tag Removal covered by insurance?

Because skin tag removal is considered cosmetic, these procedures are usually not covered by insurance. However, if your doctor can deem it medically necessary for removal your insurance may be able to cover it.

+ Are there any risks or side effects associated with skin tag removal?

Skin tag removal procedures are generally safe, but there may be minor risks such as bleeding, infection, scarring, or temporary skin discoloration.

+ Will skin tags grow back after removal?

There is a possibility of skin tag regrowth, especially if the entire base of the tag is not completely removed. However, the likelihood of regrowth is generally low.


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