
Sculptra is a unique, long-lasting injectable treatment to enhance and restore volume loss. It is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that gradually replaces collagen for results that can last up to two years.

Get The Facts

Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) is a collagen stimulator and is what makes Sculptra a unique injectable to help restore the underlying structure of the skin. Over time, the reconstructed strands of collagen begin to restore facial volume which decreases the look of fullness to wrinkles and folds. The number of treatments varies depending on the severity of aging, however, for significant volume loss, 3 treatments are typically needed over a few months.


Before you Arrive:
+ Please ensure you have filled out your Health History/Intake form before your appointment. If you are unable to complete it, please arrive 15 minutes early
+ We recommend eating a light snack or meal 30min – 1hr before your appointment
+ Please let us know if you have a history of cold sores so we can arrange for a prophylactic antiviral medication before treatment

How to Prepare:
+ Arnica may be taken before the appointment to help reduce swelling and bruising
+ Tylenol may be taken before the appointment for pain management

What to avoid:
Please avoid the following:
+ Alcohol for 24 hours before
+ Caffeine on the day of treatment
+ Aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Advil®, Motrin®, Aleve®, Fish oil, Gingko Biloba, St. John’s Wort, and high doses of Vitamin E, unless medically necessary
+ Vaccines and dental work 2 weeks prior
+ Is it our policy not to provide treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding


+ Minor swelling, bruising, and/or tenderness to the treated area is normal
+ Please watch your skin and contact your provider immediately if you notice any of the following:
+ Pale, blue/grey, or cool-to-touch areas in your skin at or around the treated area
+ Severe pain that is persistently getting worse
+ Lack of sensation or numbness in the treatment area
+ Blotchy red skin or formation of pustules
+ Redness or skin that is warm to the touch

Post Care:
+ Apply cool packs liberally after treatment to help reduce swelling
+ Massage treatment area 5 times a day, for 5 minutes at a time, for 5 days, then massage 2 times per day for 5 minutes for 6 weeks
+ Arnica gel may be applied gently to the treated area to help reduce bruising
+ Tylenol may be taken for pain

What to Avoid:
Please avoid the following:
+ Strenuous exercise for 24 hours
+ Makeup over the injection site for 24 hours
+ Alcohol and salty food for 3 days
+ Direct heat or pressure to the treated areas for 1 week
+ Hot tubs, saunas, or steam rooms for 1 week
+ Facial massage or use of facial tools for 4 weeks
+ Laser treatments for 4 weeks

Follow Up:
+ 2-4 treatments spaced 6 weeks apart are required, and 2-6 vials are recommended for optimal results
+ Results will continue to improve over several weeks and even up to 1 year
+ Sculptra results can last 2-4 years
+ Maintenance treatments recommended

Treatment Info

Treatments Needed
Results In
Almost Immediately (Expect mild swelling)
Results Last
18-24 months

Benefits of Sculptra

+ Restores lost volume
+ Instant and natural outcome
+ Long-lasting results

Conditions It Treats

+ Tired or Dull Looking Skin
+ Wrinkles, Lines & Folds
+ Skin Laxity

Frequently Asked Questions

+ How is Sculptra different than Filler?

Sculptra is made of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), whereas Filler is made of hyaluronic acid (HA). Sculptra is much longer lasting than Filler.

+ How does Sculptra work?

The PLLA in Sculptra produces a controlled recruitment of fibroblast cells in the dermis, which stimulates gradual collagen production. Collagen helps restore and strengthen the skin’s inner layer.

+ How long does it take for Sculptra to work?

The results from Sculptra are immediate and continual improvement will be seen due to increased collagen production after treatment.

+ How long do the effects of Sculptra last?

Improvement in skin volume typically lasts 18-24 months, though continual improvement in collagen production will occur past this.

+ Is Sculptra reversible?

Sculptra, unlike HA Filler, cannot be dissolved. It is important to see an advanced injector for your treatment to ensure safe and optimal results.

+ What are the best areas to inject Sculptra?

Sculptra is a thicker filler, so it’s an ideal treatment for saggy, crepey-looking skin on the lower face. Sculptra is an effective treatment for nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and chin wrinkles.