Silver Laser Face Tightening

Our Silver Laser Face Tightening is perfect for those wanting to tighten and re-densify the lower face without undergoing surgery. Heat is delivered from the inside out targeting collagen and elastin, restoring firmness, and improving skin quality to the lower face –including the cheeks, nasal labial folds, and jawline.

Get The Facts

First, an intraoral laser treatment is used to target the mucosa inside the mouth to shrink and tighten the elastin fibers, which improves the appearance of nasal labial folds and gives a plumping effect. Then, bulk heating is used on the lower face/submental area to stimulate collagen for a tighter appearance on the outer part of the face. This treatment is quite painless and feels like a warm facial massage.


Before you Arrive:
+ Please ensure you have filled out your Health History/Intake form before your appointment. If you are unable to complete it, please arrive 15 minutes early
+ We recommend eating a light snack or meal 30min-1hr before your appointment

What To Avoid:
Please avoid the following:
+ Retinol or active exfoliants for 5 – 7 days prior
+ Neuromodulators for at least 2 weeks prior
+ Filler for at least 4 weeks prior
+ Must be off of oral isotretinoin (Accutane) for minimum of 6 months prior
+ Is it our policy not to provide treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding


+ Little to no downtime, minor dryness possible
+ Skin may feel tight and warm after treatment but will subside within an hour

Post Care:
+ Ensure you wear SPF 50 for the entire course of treatment

Follow Up:
+ We recommend 3-5 treatments (one per decade of age) spaced 2 weeks apart to optimize results
+ Maintenance treatments recommended

Treatment Info

Treatments Needed
Results In
1-3 weeks
Results Last
9-12 months

Benefits of Silver Laser Face Tightening

+ Smooths wrinkles and fine lines
+ Stimulates production of new collagen
+ Tightens the skin and reduces nasal labial folds
+ Promotes production of new collagen
+ Skin appears more youthful

Conditions It Treats

+ Skin Laxity & Sagging
+ Wrinkles, Lines & Folds

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Does Silver Laser Face Tightening hurt?

No. The majority of clients state that this is a very comfortable and relaxing treatment.

+ How long until I will start seeing results?

Collagen can take 3-6 months to regenerate in the skin, by stimulating your natural collagen synthesis we won’t expect peak results until after this time. Some skin responds slower or can be non-responsive at all.

+ How often can I receive Silver Skin Tightening?

We recommend getting one treatment per decade of age, spaced 2 weeks apart for optimal results. Maintenance treatments can be done every 6 months to 1 year.

+ What will improve my results?

Collagen and elastin can be affected by lifestyle and environmental factors. Using active medical-grade products at home, particularly for skin tightening will help to improve and maintain results.

+ Where can I get the 2D lower laser face lift

Our 2d lower laser face lift has been discontinued and Silver Laser Face Tightening is the new replacement.

+ Where can I get Silver Laser Face Tightening?


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