Gold Laser Face Tightening

Our Gold Laser Face Tightening treatment is perfect for those wanting to maintain or reduce the signs of aging by tightening the skin. Heat is delivered from the inside out, targeting collagen and elastin, restoring firmness, and improving the skin’s tone and texture – including the forehead, cheeks, nasal labial folds, jawline, and submental area under the chin.

Get The Fact

This unique treatment targets the full face with specific laser wavelengths in a series of steps. The treatment starts by targeting the mucosa inside of the mouth – the energy from the laser shrinks the elastin fibers to help tighten the tissue. This also stimulates collagen synthesis to improve the appearance of nasolabial folds. Secondly, targeted laser energy set at a specific depth and temperature heats the lower part of the face to further stimulate collagen for a tighter appearance throughout the jawline and submental area. The final wavelength is going to assist with superficial tightening, laxity, and crepy skin texture over the entire face. This causes mild sloughing of the outermost layer of the skin to reveal fresher, smoother skin.


Before you Arrive:
+ Please ensure you have filled out your Health History/Intake form before your appointment. If you are unable to complete it, please arrive 15 minutes early
+ We recommend eating a light snack or meal 30min-1hr before your appointment
+ Remove makeup before the appointment
+ Ensure you wear medical grade SPF 50 in the treatment area 4-6 weeks prior
+ Let your provider know if you have a history of cold sores and we will provide you with a prophylactic prescription of Valtrex

What To Avoid:
Please avoid the following:
+ Retinol or active exfoliants for 5 – 7 days prior
+ Neuromodulators for at least 2 weeks prior
+ Filler for at least 4 weeks prior
+ Sun exposure 4 – 6 weeks prior
+ Tanning including spray tan and self-tanning products 4-6 weeks prior (if you have a tan at the time of your appointment it will have to be rescheduled for safety reasons)
+ Must be off of oral isotretinoin (Accutane) for a minimum of 6 months prior
+ Is it our policy not to provide treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding


+ 1-3 days of “social” downtime
+ Skin can be red, swollen, and warm immediately post-treatment and should subside within 24 hours
+ Sloughing and dryness possible

Post Care:
+ Cool compresses (not ice) may be applied to soothe discomfort
+ Mineral makeup can be applied immediately; ask your provider for recommendations

What To Avoid:
+ No strenuous exercise for 24 hours post
+ No hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, etc. for 24 hours
+ No direct sun exposure for 1 week
+ No active skincare or physical exfoliants for 1 week
+ Must wear medical grade SPF for the entire treatment course

Follow Up:
+ 3-5 treatments (one per decade of age) are recommended to optimize results about 2-4 weeks apart
+ Yearly maintenance treatments recommended

Treatment Info

Treatments Needed
Results In
1-4 weeks
Results Last
9-12 months

Benefits of Gold Laser Face Tightening

+ Smooths wrinkles and fine lines
+ Stimulates production of new collagen
+ Tightens the skin and reduces nasal labial folds
+ Promotes production of new collagen
+ Skin appears more youthful
+ Reduces the appetence of crepy skin

Conditions It Treats

+ Skin Laxity & Sagging
+ Wrinkles, Lines & Folds
+ Tired or Dull Looking Skin

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Does Gold Laser Face Tightening hurt?

The majority of clients find the treatment quite comfortable. You will feel warmth mostly and a minor snapping sensation. This treatment is so comfortable that it doesn’t even require topical numbing prior.

+ How long until I will start seeing results?

Collagen can take 9-12 months to regenerate in the skin, by stimulating your natural collagen synthesis we won’t expect peak results until after this time. Some skin responds slower or can be non-responsive at all.

+ What will I look like after Gold Laser Face Tightening?

Your skin can be red, swollen, and warm after treatment and will resolve within a couple days. You may experience a delayed sloughing of dry skin as you heal.

+ Why would I choose Gold Face Tightening over Gold Face Tightening?

This treatment uses 3 different laser interventions to target your skin care concerns whereas Gold Face Tightening uses 2. This treatment includes the steps in the Gold face tightening while also addressing superficial tightening, texture, and elasticity of the whole face.

+ Where can I get the 3d laser face lift

Our 3d laser face lift has been discontinued and Gold Laser Face Tightening is the new, and better replacement.

+ Where can I get Gold Laser Face Tightening?


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