Laser Hair Restoration

If you are looking for a safe and less expensive method to target unwanted hair loss, Laser Hair Restoration may be right for you. Laser Hair Restoration promotes new hair growth, thickens the hair, and prevents further hair loss.

Get The Facts

Laser Hair Restoration provides gentle, targeted delivery of light energy to the scalp. The energy emitted by the laser helps to strengthen the hair shaft while also stimulating the hair follicles by increasing blood flow to the scalp. Light energy promotes tissue regeneration, stimulating existing and dormant hair follicles to create an environment that is favorable for hair growth.


Before you Arrive:
+ Please ensure you have filled out your Health History/Intake form before your appointment. If you are unable to complete it, please arrive 15 minutes early
+ We recommend eating a light snack or meal 30min – 1hr before your appointment

How to Prepare:
+ Ensure you’re well hydrated before the appointment
+ Come with freshly washed hair with no product application after the shower

What to avoid:
Please avoid the following:
+ Alcohol and smoking for 24 hours prior
+ Hair dyes, perms, or relaxer treatments 2 weeks prior
+ Must be off of oral isotretinoin for a minimum of 6 months prior
+ It is our policy not to provide treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding


+ Minor redness, tenderness, and heat to the scalp for 24 hours
+ Dryness and sloughing are possible over the next few days

Post Care:
+ Wash and condition hair with Viviscal products 24 hours post-treatment
+ Take Viviscal supplements as prescribed

What to Avoid:
Please avoid the following:
+ Hair products for 24 hours
+ Showering for 24 hours

Follow Up:
+ We recommend 10 treatments 2 weeks apart for optimal results
+ Yearly treatments are recommended to maintain results

Treatment Info

Treatments Needed
10, more may be needed based on the cause of hair loss
Results In
1-2 months
Results Last
6-12 months

Benefits of Laser Hair Restoration

+ Prevention of further hair loss
+ Increase of hair density and thickness
+ Promotion of new follicle growth
+ No medications
+ No down-time

Conditions It Treats

+ Localized balding
+ Hair thinning
+ Pattern hair loss
+ Early hair loss due to Androgenetic Alopecia

Frequently Asked Questions

+ When should I seek out treatment for hair loss?

As soon as you start to notice hair loss, it is best to start getting treatment for fest results
Once the hair follicles start to shrink, new hair will no longer grow and hair follicles cannot grow again.

+ How long is the treatment, and does it hurt?

This is a pain free treatment that takes 10-15 mins


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