Laser Hair Removal

Say goodbye to shaving once and for all. Traditional methods of hair removal such as tweezing, shaving, or waxing can be painful, messy, and costly over time. Laser hair removal can target virtually any area you’d like to eliminate unwanted hair. Common areas to treat include legs, bikini, underarms, back, upper lip, and chin. Consultation is recommended to determine a plan tailored for your skin type and goals.

Get The Facts

Our state-of-the-art Laser Hair Removal devices permanently reduce hair with a series of treatments. With multiple wavelengths, we can efficiently treat all areas of the body, and tailor treatments for all skin types. The hair is reduced by wavelengths of energy that target the colour and depth of the hair follicle. The energy is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle, destroying  the “root”. Over several days, the hair follicles will fall out/shed from the body. An average of six to ten treatments are recommended for optimal results.

laser hair removal calgary


Before You Arrive:
+ Please ensure you have filled out your Health History/Intake form before your appointment. If you are unable to complete it, please arrive 15 minutes early
+ We recommend eating a light snack or meal 30min-1hr before your appointment
+ Please shave the treatment area 12-24 hours before your appointment
+ Ensure the treatment area is clean and free of any makeup, lotion, oils, self-tanning products, or deodorants

What to Avoid:
Please avoid the following:
+ Do not wax, sugar, thread, tweeze, or use hair removal creams to the treatment area for at least 4 weeks prior (Shaving is ok!)
+ Tanning and direct sun exposure including self-tanning products for at least 4 weeks prior
+ Alcohol and smoking for 24 hours prior
+ Do not exercise for 24 hours prior
+ Hot tubs, saunas, and steam rooms for 24 hours prior
+ Neuromodulators for at least 2 weeks prior
+ Filler for at least 4 weeks prior
+ If the skin is compromised (peeling, sunburnt, warm to the touch, etc.) your appointment will be rescheduled


+ Minor red bumps, swelling, and sensitivity to the treatment area is to be expected but will subside in 24 hours

Post Care:
+ May apply a cool pack to the area to reduce discomfort
+ Wear loose clothing to avoid friction to the treatment area
+ Apply Aloe Vera or SkinCeuticals Phyto Corrective Masque to soothe and reduce irritation
+ Keep the area clean and dry
+ Wear SPF 50
+ Drink lots of water

What To Avoid:
Please avoid the following:
+ Exercise for 24 hours
+ Hot tubs or baths, saunas, spas, or steam rooms for 1 week
+ Sun exposure for 1 week to avoid hyperpigmentation
+ Scrubbing or exfoliation for 5 days
+ Shaving for 72 hours
+ Waxing, sugaring, threading, tweezing, and hair removal creams for the complete duration of the treatment course

Follow Up:
+ We recommend 6-10 treatments spaced 4-8 weeks apart for optimal results
+ Maintenance treatments may be required

Treatment Info

Treatments Needed
Results In
1-3 weeks
Results Last
Several years

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

+ Reduced the amount of hair
+ Less follicle irritation (razor bumps)

Conditions It Treats

+ Excessive Hair
+ Ingrown Hairs

Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is the Difference Between SKIN Clinics Laser Hair Removal, BBL, and IPL hair removal?

At SKIN Clinics we only use dedicated laser devices such as Nd: YAG and Diode lasers to perform hair removal as it is significantly more effective and safe in comparison to non-laser-based devices such as BBL or IPL.

+ How permanent is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal can delay hair regrowth for several years. Some people may require touch-up appointments. Laser hair reduction is the goal, reducing how much grows back, and how often, along with the thickness of the hair.

+ Is getting Laser Hair Removal worth it?

If you add up the cost of razors and waxing/sugaring sessions over time, laser hair removal is worth it. Plus, it keeps you away from the nuisances of traditional hair removal methods such as ingrown hair and pigmentation.

+ How long does a Laser Hair Removal appointment take?

Depending on the size of the treated area, each session can take up to 60 minutes.

+ Can laser hair removal treatment work on any gender?

Yes! Laser hair removal can be used on any any gender. See our laser hair removal for men page.

+ Is there any downtime after the treatment?

Laser hair removal typically has no downtime, and you can resume your daily activities immediately after the session. You may experience slight redness or sensitivity in the treated area, but this usually subsides within a few hours.

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