Emsella Incontinence Treatment

Emsella offers a cutting-edge, non-invasive solution designed to combat urinary incontinence, providing patients a pathway to improved pelvic health and increased confidence. Utilizing advanced technology, Emsella helps restore the function and endurance of the pelvic floor muscles without surgical intervention.

Get The Facts

Emsella employs High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate the pelvic floor muscles, inducing rapid contractions. This is akin to completing 12,000 Kegel exercises in a single session. This powerful stimulation helps in rebuilding muscle tone, thereby addressing the root cause of incontinence. The electromagnetic energy specifically aids in reducing stress and urge-related urinary incontinence by fortifying the pelvic floor muscles.

Emsella treatment sessions are straightforward and accommodating for busy schedules. During a typical session, you remain fully clothed as you sit on the specially designed Emsella chair. The chair emits electromagnetic waves that target the pelvic floor for a session lasting approximately 30 minutes. During this time, the muscles in the pelvic region undergo thousands of supramaximal contractions, strengthening them efficiently and quickly.

Emsella incontinence treatment


Before you Arrive:
Plan to arrive wearing comfortable clothing, as the treatment is conducted while you remain fully clothed. Please do not wear any pants or bodysuits with metal pieces.

How to Prepare:
Ensure you have scheduled your sessions with the recommended frequency of twice a week over three weeks to maximize effectiveness.

What to Avoid:
Refrain from having electronic devices on you, as they are not allowed during the treatment to prevent interference with the electromagnetic technology Please note that patients with pacemakers, copper IUD’s, metal replacements (knees, hips etc) may not get this treatment.



Treatment Info

Treatments Needed
Results In
6 Months
Results Last
6 months – Permanent

Benefits of Emsella Incontinence Treatment

+ Non-Invasive: No need for surgery or invasive procedures and no recovery time required.

+ Effective: Clinical studies have shown significant improvement in patients with urinary incontinence after completing the recommended treatment sessions.

+ Convenient: Sessions last under half an hour and fit easily into most schedules

Conditions It Treats

+ Urinary Incontinence
+ Leakage
+ Urgency and Frequency of Urination
+ Weak pelvic floor muscles
+ Sexual health

Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is the Emsella Chair treatment for?

The Emsella Chair is designed to treat urinary incontinence by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. It can also improve sexual health and overall wellness.

+ How does the Emsella Chair work?

Emsella uses electromagnetic energy to stimulate and contract the pelvic floor muscles. These rapid contractions help to rebuild muscle strength, similar to performing thousands of Kegel exercises during each session.

+ Is the treatment painful?

Most patients find Emsella treatment to be pain-free. You may feel a tingling sensation and muscle contractions during the session, but it is generally comfortable and not painful.

+ How long does each session last and how many are needed?

Each session lasts approximately 30 minutes. A complete treatment plan typically consists of six sessions scheduled twice a week for three weeks.

+ Is there any downtime after the treatment?

There is no downtime needed after Emsella treatment. Patients can immediately return to their regular activities following each session.

+ How long do the results last?

Results can last from six months to permanent, depending on individual circumstances and whether maintenance sessions are scheduled as needed to prolong the effects.