Botox for Migraine

If you experience headaches that last 4 hours or more, occurring on at least 15 days of the month, you may suffer from chronic migraines. BOTOX® can be used to prevent headaches for migraine sufferers and has been shown to reduce the number of headache days per month.

Get The Facts

BOTOX® can be injected into several targeted head and neck muscles that may contribute to headaches. BOTOX® prevents migraine attacks before they even start, and can reduce up to 9 migraine days a month. It is thought that BOTOX® blocks the pain signals that migraines cause.

A referral is not required for chronic migraines, call us to book a complimentary consultation.

Botox for Migraine


Before you Arrive:
+ Please ensure you have filled out your Health History/Intake form before your appointment. If you are unable to complete it, please arrive 15 minutes early
+ We recommend eating a light snack or meal 30min- 1hr before your appointment

What to avoid:
+ Please avoid the following:
+ Alcohol for 24 hours before
+ Caffeine on the day of treatment
+ Aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Advil®, Motrin®, Aleve®, Fish oil, Gingko Biloba, St. John’s Wort, and high doses of vitamin E, unless medically necessary
+ Is it our policy not to provide treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding


+ There is virtually no downtime after neuromodulator injections
+ You may have small red bumps at the injection site that will disappear within the hour

What to Avoid:
+ Please avoid the following:
+ Strenuous exercise for 24 hours
+ Laying down for 4 hours
+ Pressure to the treated areas (no hats on a treated forehead)
+ Facial massage or use of facial tools for 2 weeks
+ Makeup over the injection site for 24 hours

Follow Up:

+ Full results are at 2 weeks
+ You may require a follow-up appointment to tweak your result, this will be scheduled on the day of your treatment or you can call to book

Treatment Info

Treatments Needed
Repeat treatments every 3-6 months based on need/insurance coverage
Results In
2 weeks
Results Last

Benefits of Botox for Migraine

+ Improves migraine symptoms
+ Quick and easy injectable treatment
+ Improves quality of life
+ Often covered by third party insurance
+ Treatments are quick

Conditions It Treats

+ Migraine

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Is BOTOX® for Migraine treatment safe?

BOTOX® was the first FDA-approved preventative treatment for chronic migraine and since approval in 2010, over 5 million treatments have been provided.

+ What should I expect during an appointment?

The treatment itself takes about 10 minutes. With very fine needles, 31 injections are done just below the surface of the skin into 7 muscles in the head and neck region. Most patients describe the treatment as feeling like tiny pinches or pinpricks.

+ Can I still take my migraine medication once I begin BOTOX® for Migraine treatment?

If ordered or recommended by your physician, you may still take acute migraine medications during BOTOX® for Migraine treatment. BOTOX® is a preventative treatment, and your medication is indicated for when the migraine has already begun.

+ Will BOTOX® for Migraine treatment affect anything other than migraine?

BOTOX® does have other indications, but the injection sites are specific to chronic migraine relief.

+ How much does BOTOX® for Migraine treatment cost?

Many health insurance plans cover all or most of the treatment. There is also a reimbursement program available that can provide coverage regardless of insurance status. For specific details on coverage, contact your insurance company as well as visit us for a complimentary consult to determine the course necessary for reimbursement.

+ Where can I get botox treatment?

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